About H2O People

Throughout our capacity building, societal impact and collaboration projects we support the engagement of new and experienced professionals within in the water sector.

The European Junior Water Programme (EJWP) is the flagship programme and official trade name of H20 People. Established in 2019, H20 People became active in the public sphere with EJWP, which is its largest initiative in action to date. The H20 People mission is to enable personal & professional growth through unique programmes aimed at connection of talent to realize potential through all career phases.

We support the engagement of young professionals and employees to be fulfilled in their roles in creating a new water world together. To do this, we guide, train and challenge our clients with new ideas going out of comfort zones to work on new projects, and enlarge networks to learn how they can collaborate with new people and concepts. This positive emphasis can contribute to talent retention in organisations and within the water sector.

H20 People is also a collaboration partner designing tailor-made strategies for participation and funding within EU and other collaboration projects. We focus on the human capital element in programs – thus empowering people to develop their potential for generating solutions for tomorrow’s challenges. H20 people is available to enter into small–medium project partnerships to facilitate larger trainings like summer school instruction on water-related topics. Our challenging programs support ambitions of managing a future of natural and technical transformations in the water sector.

Our philosophy

Community Engagement Toolkit

Through a guided and interactive approach, we implement a structured series of tools aimed at engaging with and, ultimately, creating a community focussed on a certain topic/issue/activity/area. The tools include, but are not limited to, engaging methodologies and sessions for stakeholder mapping and analysis, needs analysis, challenge definition and analysis, capacity buidling/skills training. We utilise, among other things, the LEGO Serious Play method, bringing forward the creative and fun side of all of us!

Societal Impact Assessment

Buiding on research in this domain of knowledge, we co-design with project partners and stakeholders a process which will allow us to navigate the contribution the collaborative effort and the research project(s) have on the actors and stakeholders involved. The flexible design allows for assessing changes occured across scales and contexts. We attribute special attention to and address the impact of capacity development activities, capitalising on H2O People expertise in this domain of work. The framework can be coupled with the Community Engagement Toolkit for a holistic approach to striving for and assessing societal impact.

Meet the H2o People

Naomi Timmer


Naomi Timmer is director of H2O People in which she created the European Junior Water Programme and Blue Innovation Track for Advanced Water Leaders as flagship programmes in the European Water sector. She holds a BA in Religious Studies and MA in Political Science at Leiden University (NL). She is active for more than 10 years in the water sector as a trainer and programme manager for several personal leadership societal impact and collaboration programmes.

She applies her unique multidisciplinary vision to develop the European Junior Water Programme and started many collaborations to create and share our knowledge within a European context. She is partner in divers European projects leading the work on capacity building and societal impact, member of the Stakeholder Advisory Board of Water4All Partnership, leads the capacity building activities for the COST Action NEXUSNET and the Working Group on Human Capital for Water Europe.

She is focused on making connections and bring the water sector a step forward in supporting the human factor in working in the water industry.

Chrysoula Papacharalampou

Social Impact Advisor

Chrysoula Papacharalampou, PhD, is passionate about water research that involves societal actors and addresses today’s challenges. With an interdisciplinary background, she has pursued a dual career in research and research administration.

Her research focuses on integrated sustainability impact assessment and socio-hydrology, developing methods to conceptualize complex systems like catchments and value chains. As Executive Director of the Erasmus Research Institute of Management at Erasmus University Rotterdam, she leads changes in research policy, quality assurance, open science, and inclusion.

On Social Impact
As Social Impact Advisor at H2O-People and through EU-funded projects, Chrysoula aims to drive sustainable societal change through research and co-creation. She believes in educating future water professionals to lead lasting societal impact. For her, the social impact of water research means affecting society in tangible ways, such as changes in awareness, policy-making, and strategy. She emphasizes the importance of tracking both short- and long-term impacts.

Chrysoula holds a BSc in Geology and an MSc with Distinction from Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, and a PhD from the University of Bath.

Jennifer Cronick

Trainer & Coach

Jennifer Cronick completed her Master’s in Organisational Psychology in 1996, and many of her clients are in the high-tech research and industry sectors.

She is fascinated by complex situations, particularly in framing systems, balancing stakeholder interests, maintaining good relationships, and achieving results despite unclear initial goals. Jennifer facilitates individuals and groups in areas such as personal leadership, communication, negotiation and conflict management, consultancy skills, and teamwork.

Filip Grisar

Trainer & Coach

As a dynamic EJWP trainer, Filip brings expertise in human relations, communication, change, management, and leadership. His training methods emphasize mutual exchange, debate, and practical exercises.

Based in Belgium, Filip holds a degree in economic sciences from Université Catholique de Louvain-la-Neuve, specializing in management. He started his career as an event organizer and founded a promotional items and clothing company while still studying.

With 15 years of experience in team coaching, conflict management, and change, Filip focuses on unlocking people’s potential. He uses a direct approach with clear objectives and is an expert in Neurocognitive (INC) and behavioral methods, effective in multilingual and multicultural groups.

After traveling the world for over 10 years, I’ve seen how important it is for people to find meaning in their work, especially regarding environmental impact. It’s not just a trend or a generational issue; it’s about our legacy for future generations and the leadership needed to make real change.

Mark Goos

Strategic Communication & Project Advisor

Mark Goos is a strategic communication advisor, specializing in crafting communication plans and social media campaigns from inception to execution. With a keen eye for detail and a creative mindset, he excels in developing concepts and seeing them through to production and implementation. Mark’s expertise lies in leveraging various communication channels to effectively convey messages and engage audiences. Whether it’s drafting comprehensive strategies or executing targeted campaigns, Mark’s holistic approach ensures impactful communication outcomes.

Contact us!

Do you want to create a specific programme for your organisation, project or other collaboration? Get in touch to schedule a free consultation.
