Sharing SMARTEN intellectual results: First Multiplier Event in Nis, Serbia

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SMARTEN multiplier event took place on 14th December 2021 in a hybrid environment with Milan Gocić from University of Nis and Nikos Mellios from University of Thessaly as moderators. The workshop presented information regarding NEXUS of water-land-food-energy-climate and visualization of the NEXUS health change through time by using SIM4NEXUS serious game. Dr. Milan outlined the session and presented an overview on SMARTEN project. Next, Nikos Mellios introduced the SIM4NEXUS serious game and provided an overview on how to play the game and its key role in promoting policies and decision making in the nexus field. The SIM4NEXUS Serious Game enables players to implement policies in a gameplay environment and explore how policies impact on different Nexus components. Summary information is given about policy actions, assigned costs and potential benefits; this facilitates scorekeeping according to both financial and social capital metrics.”
All participants were divided into three groups and each group played the SIM4NEXUS serious game collectively for five rounds. Afterwards, the results of each team were discussed, and further elaboration was provided to explain how to mainstream them in policy and decision making.

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