Special times often require last-minute opportunities…

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Last week, EJWP2 had a great warming-up session (read more about their experience), and there are still a few spots remaining for young professionals from ambitious and innovative minded water organizations. Are you ready to connect and learn with this great group of people?

Our programme develops talent in creating the next generation water leaders. For you it is an easy way to provide a talent programme for young professionals and support flexibility and personal development within your organization. 

Still unsure this is the right moment? …..With new Covid lock downs, uncertainties in the markets and a generally questionable future? We understand any hesitations, and our answer is YES now is the time! In fact, it may be more important than ever to invest in your young professionals. Working from home affects young professionals greatly: feeling lost or disconnected, unable to learn from colleagues, and complete loss of work-personal balance.

So NOW we can help equip your organization for transformations into a productive future. Maximize your valuable young talent, empower your personnel, and keep them within your organization. Create access to innovation and access to a growing network of young talent around Europe. And become a brighter employer brand, which is an attractive organisation to key talent in the market.

Take a leading role in the transformations of the water sector – and share the importance with added value of personal development. In short, take the wave and ride!

Ready? The first step is to contact ntimmer@juniorwaterprogramme.eu. The new group starts with trainings and projects in January, so decide now for a great start to welcome bright possibilities in 2021. In these challenging times, it’s even more important to connect and develop!

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