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WATERLINE aims to establish a European Digital Water Higher Education Institution (HEI) Alliance, founded on the quadruple helix model of innovation. The objective is to enhance the Alliance’s research, educational, and entrepreneurial capacities, thereby fostering a sustainable learning and innovation ecosystem.

To achieve its goals, WATERLINE has outlined five specific objectives:

Objective 1:
Support the consolidation of the Alliance by collaboratively designing a common governance framework and a Research & Innovation (R&I) capacity building plan.

Objective 2:
Co-create a portfolio of water components for Master level programs and transform emulative laboratories in partner Widening Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) into assisted and virtual reality setups. These structural enhancements aim to elevate the competitiveness and innovation potential of R&I HEIs.

Objective 3:
Enhance the R&I capacity excellence of WATERLINE researchers through various initiatives, including summer schools for skill augmentation and proposal writing workshops.

Objective 4:
Establish a European network of academics/researchers and quadruple helix actors to facilitate knowledge exchange in water domains and extended reality technologies. This network will foster greater engagement of regional actors in the R&I process and address key societal challenges related to water education. Additionally, it will strengthen academic-business partnerships through targeted meetings and entrepreneurship-focused events.

Objective 5:
Ensure the sustainability of the alliance by establishing ambassador networks, identifying R&I funding opportunities, and fostering synergies with EU initiatives, institutions, projects, and networks.

Our contribution:
H2O People’s Role as a Project Beneficiary:
As a co-developer of work packages within WATERLINE, H2O People plays a crucial role in:
– Promoting stakeholder engagement across various sectors to ensure diverse representation.
– Conducting capacity building activities to enhance research, education, and practical experience. This involves organizing training sessions focused on personal and professional development skills.
– Facilitating the sustainability of WATERLINE beyond its completion phase, ensuring continued utilization of the project’s outputs.

By actively contributing, H2O People reinforces the collaborative spirit of WATERLINE and contributes to the advancement of water-related education, research, and innovation across Europe.



WATERLINE project receives funding from the European Union’s Horizon Europe HORIZON-WIDERA-2021-ACCESS-05 under grant agreement No 101071306. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessary reflect those of the European Union or the Horizon Europe Programme. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.

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